Monday, October 19, 2015

Never Content.....But Always Grateful!!!

Transfer week always throws us for a spin.  We are so use to proselyting consistently that when we have a 4 to 5 day gap of going without... it makes you feel a little empty.  We didn't get to start working until Thursday evening.  Its funny that when you first come out on a mission you look and look and look for stress relievers... whether that be saying really sincere prayers, meditating, writing letters, scrap booking (weird one I picked up a little bit haha), or making good food.  However, the longer I've been out my very best stress reliever is going out and sharing the gospel.  If I don't have enough time in the day to teach true principles to complete strangers I feel incomplete!

It is always fun to be around the new missionaries when they arrive.  They all seem anxious, nervous, but excited to go out and work.  I try and look back and think of what I must have looked like when I first came on a mission... I'm sure I looked pale not knowing what was to come... but maybe that was just the contrast between me and all the other Africans I arrived with;) haha

It is also an interesting experience being with the missionaries who are going home.  Many of them you have served around.... many of them you've heard amazing things about but never really met... and many of them you've shared spiritual experiences with.  The contrast in confidence and knowledge of the gospel is amazing from the ones coming and leaving.  2 years can really change a young man or young woman if they let it.  Change has come to be one of my new favorite words while being a missionary.

Elder Houghton is the new assistant who replaced Elder Haubner.  I've had a blast serving with Elder Haubner and learned so much from him.  He is one of the boldest people I've ever met and he always encouraged me to never be content. I am now the oldest assistant... the senior assistant if you will haha!  I am sooooo stoked to work with Elder Houghton. He was one of my zone leaders that I've had the honor of working with the whole time I've been an assistant.  I'm amazed at his skills as a missionary and I've got my fingers crossed that they will rub off on me.  He definitely seems like the kind of kid I would have been best of friends with back home!  

Elder Matheny came and visited me this week and took Elder Horan and me out to lunch.  It was so great to see him and see that he is continuing to be an example to friends back home.  I've had some of the best times on my mission serving with him!  He definitely helped me realize that there is nothing back home that is more important than the work we do as missionaries.  It would be nice to be able to watch a movie, be lazy, or hug a girl... However helping someone change their life for eternity out weighs any of that by a loooonnng shot.  

S** is preparing to be baptized this coming Saturday.  She is one of the neatest people I've met. She is trying to quit smoking and has been clean for 5 days so keep her in your prayers!

Love Elder Crandall the Vandal

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