My mission has definitely been different this past month
than it has been the entire time. I feel like a parent wanting, wishing,
and praying that my children will all do their very best and be
successful. I am learning to develop a greater love for the missionaries
and cheer for them in whatever circumstance they are in. We all want
everyone to be perfect... especially ourselves. We must learn to look at
others in the way that God looks at them. One of my assistants in Sierra
Leone told me that every time he would ride on a taxi motorcycle he would look
at every single person... smile... and in his mind say to himself "He/She
is a child of God." I was behind him one time on one of these
occasions... and he would really do it. He was such a good example to me
that everyone needs to feel loved in their situation. When you look at
people through Heavenly glasses, you see their potential. They can become
a God. That is no hocos pocos, greek mythology stuff... that is part of
Jesus Christ's Gospel.
I found that I expect a lot of myself. I am definitely
a perfectionist. I really want to be my best self 24/7 but I can't
be. We are mortal and are given weakness's for a reason. If we
didn't fall short sometimes then we wouldn't rely on Jesus Christ's Atonement
to make us better. I was pretty wiped out at the beginning of the week
and felt guilty for it. If we are a broken tool then Heavenly Father
can't use us.
We finally got our investigators to church this week! We had
to bang on their bedroom window to wake them up but they came haha! They
even brought some cousins!
Our exchanges this week went really well. I was with an
Elder and we didn't have the van.. so we were on foot the whole day! We pretty
much got lost in the neighborhoods...but we were following the spirit and found
3 new investigators. At one point we had no clue where to go so we found
ourselves a little corner... said a prayer.. listened for the spirit... next
door we knocked we taught a lesson and had a new investigator! I love when
stuff like that happens cause it sure isn't a coincidence!
Something I really love doing is saying vocal personal
prayers. I like to call them closet prayers. I was feeling really
burden down and wiped out yesterday so I decided to unload all of my concerns
on my Heavenly Father and ask him for guidance. As I said the prayer my
mind was opened and I really felt so connected with Heavenly Father. As I would
ask for something... a simple answer would appear in my mind. I felt the spirit
really powerfully and I know that Heavenly Father was listening intently to my
prayer. I felt so relieved and energized!
This coming sunday our mission is going to do a Fast for
missionary work. Almost all of the stakes are on board and will be
praying along side the missionaries to have 75 baptisms in the month of
June. I can't wait to be a part of the miracles that are going to happen
in this mission in the coming months! This week alone we found 180 new
investigators... we normally find around 100!
D&C 75:5 And thus, if ye are faithful ye shall be laden with
many sheaves, and crowned with honor, and glory, and
immortality, and eternal life.
Our new mottos for the mission is #GETSHEAVES
Shout out to my mom. I love you way to much. I feel so blessed
that Heavenly Father would send me to you and Dad. You are such a great
example. Happy Birthday!
Shout out to my mom look a like... Aunt Bets! Happy Birthday
this week as well! You are so wonderful and sweet to everyone!
I have the best family:)
Elder Crandall the Vandal